Our picatta steak is perfect slices of lean, tender, and boneless beefWe recommend pan frying in olive oil then adding heavy cream and mushrooms for a tasty main dish!Our fresh...
Our beef burger is wonderfully rich and juicy.We recommend cooking it over medium heat on the BBQ or in a griddle pan to allow the cheese to slowly melt through...
Our free-range chicken legs are packed full of flavor. When cooking, the bone enriches the meat so you're left with the most tender and juicy meat.We recommend roasting these whole...
Our coarse-cut lamb mince is a versatile family favorite packed full of flavor. We recommend using it for a homemade shepherd’s pie, a creamy moussaka, or even your own burgers or...
Our chicken Hawawshi is uniqueIt is best for both breakfast and dinner.We recommend trying making the Egyptian Hawawshi Sandwich it is really mouth-watering for 25 minutes to enjoy its crispy...